Clutch Pedal Squeaks When Pressed and Released? Causes & Fixes

Car drivers get used to their vehicles making all types of noise during their lifetimes. Some of them are best ignored, while others might be pointing to issues that need immediate attention. A squeaky clutch falls into the latter category, especially if the noise occurs both when you press and release the pedal.

Luckily, this problem is typically quite easy and inexpensive to fix. Below, I will cover all the possible causes and reveal the steps you should take to eliminate the noise — let’s get started.

Is the Noise Really Coming From Your Clutch Pedal?

Before you start looking for solutions, it’s essential to check whether the noise is actually coming from your clutch pedal. Just as importantly, you have to establish when the squeaking occurs, as that will help you identify what’s causing it.

Here are the steps you should take to test out your clutch pedal.

  1. Turn on your car’s engine, keep the vehicle in neutral, and ensure the handbrake is on.
  1. In case everything sounds clear and you cannot detect any noise, proceed to the next step. And if you can hear growling and squeaking at this stage, you are likely dealing with transmission issues.
  1. Next, press your clutch pedal slightly, about halfway through. All the while, keep your car in neutral. If you can hear the noise as soon as you press down, it is clear that the clutch itself is the one responsible for the ruckus.
  1. Lastly, press the clutch all the way down. In case the noise only occurs when the pedal touches the floor, the issue is probably caused by a faulty wheel bearing.

Now that you’ve tested your vehicle and confirmed that the problem is indeed the clutch pedal, you can proceed to the next section of this guide: the causes.

What Could Be Causing the Noise?

These are the most common causes of a squeaky clutch pedal.


While the pedals in your car are made to be pressed and released often, they do age and wear with time. That is especially true for the clutch pedal, as it is the only one that is meant to be pushed all the way down every time it is used.

As time goes by, the pedal can get damaged, and a squeaking noise is a telltale sign. It is high-pitched, and it usually occurs both when you press and release the clutch while driving.


As you already know, a car’s engine is usually a rather dirty place. Dust and debris easily mix with leaked grease and create a pasty substance that sticks to all surfaces, including the clutch disc and pressure plate.

If any of these two parts become contaminated, the clutch may get stuck, and pressing it can become difficult. In addition, you might hear grinding and squeaking sounds when you try to use it.

Issues With the Throwout Bearing

Another essential part found inside the clutch transmission is the throwout bearing. Once you release the clutch, the bearing comes into contact with the pressure plate, and if it is faulty, you might hear squeaking noises.

The sound comes from a lack of grease inside the bearing, which can leak due to age and continuous use. While this problem isn’t a safety hazard, it is still wise to solve it. Namely, if the bearing seizes, other parts of the clutch might wear and get damaged a lot more easily, resulting in a more expensive repair.

Excessive Friction

Lastly, the noise might be caused by friction. Namely, certain parts of the clutch might shift from excessive use. As a result, they can cause all types of noise while grinding against each other, and squealing is the most likely option.

In the vast majority of cases, it is the clutch fork that moves slightly and leads to everything being just a little bit off balance. Fortunately, it is an easy issue to resolve, and doing so is quite cost-effective.

What Solutions Can You Try?

Now that you know the potential causes, let’s move on to the possible fixes you can try based on your particular clutch pedal problem.

More Lubrication

Most of the problems mentioned above have a rather straightforward solution — using a quality lubricant. This is the case for all noise caused by friction, misaligned parts, and even some aged clutch components.

By applying a healthy layer of your lubricant of choice, you can get all the parts of your clutch pedal to move smoothly and in harmony once more. Just as importantly, you can get rid of the annoying squeaking and grinding sounds that these components are causing.

Now, since the clutch pedal is located in an awkward spot, you will need an inspection pit to get to the parts that need some lubrication. Seeing that most people don’t really have access to a pit, contacting a professional is the next best thing.

If you do try to apply it yourself, make sure you’re wearing protective equipment. In addition, it would be best to have someone around in case you need a helping hand, especially since you will be getting under the car to inspect and grease the clutch.


In case you see that your clutch and its components are contaminated with dirt or grease, giving them a good clean is your best bet to eliminate unwanted noise. To stay on the safe side, it is a good idea to let a mechanic do everything for you.

Namely, if oil or grease have leaked inside the transmission, you will need protective equipment and a lot of experience to clean everything up. Otherwise, you will risk causing even more damage to the transmission and clutch.

So, call up your trusted mechanic and make an appointment. They will know exactly what to do to make your clutch look, feel, and sound brand new.

Replace the Throwout Bearing

For those who have pinpointed throwout bearing issues, replacement is the best option. Depending on the type and severity of damage, you may need to replace just the bearing or the entire clutch. The latter does not happen too often, so this fix shouldn’t be too expensive overall.

In case you are mechanically inclined, you can easily replace the bearing on your own. You will simply need to follow the instruction manual for the particular car model you are working on.

However, if you do not have a lot of experience and you aren’t really sure where to start, it is better to leave it in the hands of a professional mechanic. This type of repair typically doesn’t take that much time, so your car will be back to its former glory pretty quickly.

The Bottom Line

If you constantly hear squeaking noises when pressing and releasing your clutch pedal, some or all its components might need cleaning, greasing, or replacing. When you detect this issue, it is best to contact your mechanic and have them take a look at the clutch, its transmission, and all its internal components.

That way, they will be able to pinpoint the exact problem quickly and determine the best possible solution for it. Even more importantly, they will ensure your car doesn’t suffer any unnecessary damage while the clutch gets repaired.

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