Most vehicles — no matter how modern — are meant to make at least some type of noise while running. However, this noise is usually not loud, and you can easily tune it out as you get used to it.
The trouble begins when the sound your car makes changes in nature or increases in volume. If you’re having this problem, read on. We’ll go over the most common reasons behind this issue and offer some potential fixes.

The Importance of Listening to Your Car
Sometimes, the only indication your car will give about an underlying problem is by emitting louder or more unusual sounds. Thus, listening to it and paying attention to how it sounds is essential for detecting problems early and getting them fixed on time.
If you notice that your car is loud or you hear any type of noise that usually isn’t there (thumping, ticking, banging, etc.), it is essential to take it to a professional. Chances are that the problem is of a small scale and can be resolved quickly. However, in case it is serious, getting someone to check it is crucial for your safety on the road.
From engine issues to faulty mufflers, here are all the possible reasons for your car being louder than usual.
1. Worn Engine Bearings
In case your engine suddenly gets louder and you can hear loud thumping noises when starting the vehicle, your engine bearings have most likely become worn. Another indicator of this issue is low oil pressure.
As with most engine issues, early detection is pivotal for this particular problem. If you don’t take your car to a mechanic as soon as you notice something is amiss, the engine might get too damaged. In that case, a replacement will be your only option.
So, make sure to get an engine inspection as soon as you notice the tell-tale signs mentioned above. That way, you will save both money and precious time.
2. A Damaged Exhaust System
Is the loud noise you hear coming from your car’s rear end? If that is the case, and the engine indicator keeps lighting up, you’re most likely dealing with a faulty or leaking exhaust system.
This problem is usually the result of the exhaust rusting with age. However, it can also be caused by outside influences, especially if you bump the back of your car against another vehicle or a wall.
Whatever the cause, it is pivotal to change any faulty parts as soon as possible. For instance, the leak is highly toxic and so hot it can melt the plastic. As such, it is a hazard both to you and your car and for everyone in your close vicinity.
Fortunately, exhaust system issues are usually quick and affordable to resolve. Just take your car to a professional right away, and your car will be as good as new in no time.
3. Low Oil Levels
Cars that have insufficient levels of engine oil often make rumbling and thudding sounds. If you notice such noise and your oil indicators are low, it is safe to assume that you are just due for an oil refill.
You can easily fix this issue on your own by pouring more oil into the engine. After that, the problem should be resolved. However, if you run out of oil regularly — say every month — there might be a leak in your engine. In that case, taking your car to a mechanic is essential.
4. Faulty Mufflers
Most loud noises coming from the front of your car are caused by faulty or worn mufflers. These car parts are exposed to the elements and constant heat, so they can easily get torn and damaged.
As their name suggests, mufflers play an integral role in reducing the amount of noise a car makes. When they cannot perform their function properly, vehicles start making disturbingly loud sounds. Some people even remove them to make their cars louder.
Now, you have more options when it comes to faulty mufflers. You can either mend the tears and holes or replace the mufflers entirely. Your decision should depend on the amount of damage the parts have sustained and your budget.
Generally speaking, it is better to go for a replacement. In case you just repair the damage, the chances of the problem recurring in just a few weeks are quite high. Thus, mending the mufflers will only create more problems (and require more money) in the long run.
5. A Failing Catalytic Converter
Besides making your engine sound a lot louder than usual, a failing or obstructed catalytic converter manifests itself through several other signs. They include reduced acceleration capabilities, a strong sulfur odor, as well as dark exhaust smoke.
Catalytic converter problems won’t affect your car run if you resolve them on time. However, if you neglect them, they could cause severe engine issues in the long term.
Thus, consult your mechanic as soon as you notice the signs above. The repairs won’t take long, and your vehicle will completely sound normal once again.
6. A Faulty Torque Converter
In automatic cars, torque converters are one of the most integral parts. The converter is responsible for transferring your engine’s power to the car transmission, effectively powering the entire vehicle.
Thus, it comes as no surprise that a faulty torque converter causes a wide range of issues that have to be addressed right away. One of the most prominent ones is the noise your car makes, which becomes increasingly louder the longer the vehicle runs. In addition, you will most likely hear grinding and thudding, and pinpointing where it is coming from might be difficult.
If you are well-versed in car transmissions, you can attempt to repair the converter yourself. However, it is advisable to take the vehicle to a mechanic and have them take a look. After all, such a significant issue requires the utmost care and experience, so it is wise to let a pro handle it.
7. Valve Train-Related Problems
If your area is usually prone to cold weather or is experiencing a sudden temperature drop, the change might be reflected in your car. In case your engine grows louder as you start the car and you hear rattling or tapping, the cold air is likely affecting your valve train.
Namely, the oil in your engine will grow colder and more viscous due to the cold temperature. As a result, its hydraulic lifters won’t be able to move the valves up and down as usual.
However, there is good news. This issue is one of the least worrisome on this list, as it usually resolves itself on its own as soon as the oil warms up a bit. Thus, yours is just to wait a little and give your car time to adjust.
In the event that the issue persists, it might be wise to check your oil filter. It could be due for a replacement, hence causing a racket in the engine. If so, you can either replace it on your own or take your car to a professional.
8. Cooling System Issues
As you already know, your car’s engine has an elaborate cooling system that ensures it doesn’t overheat. The system consists of a network of hoses that let air and liquid circulate around the engine, cooling it in the process.
While they are an essential part of the system, the hoses are also its weakest link. For instance, they are easy to damage and break, especially if you don’t replace them regularly.
When holes or tears appear on the hoses, their vacuum seal breaks. As a result, your engine starts gradually heating because the air that is supposed to cool it doesn’t reach its destination.
This problem causes your engine to rumble and become louder. In addition, the leaking air can also lead to whistling sounds, which get louder the more you try to accelerate.
If you’re experiencing this problem, your best bet is to replace the hosing network in your cooling system. Since it is not too difficult a task, you can do it on your own with the proper equipment. But as always, the safest option is to contact a professional and have them fix the issue instead.
9. Loud Wheels and Tires
Is your car loud only when turning? If that is the case, you’re probably dealing with tire or wheel issues. In most cases, it is all due to low inflation and tire wear, both of which are easy to fix.
However, faulty wheel bearings or an incorrect wheel balance can also be the culprits. Either way, it is important to address these issues as soon as possible since they could lead to more extensive damage if neglected for too long.
To Sum Up
A noisy car, whether the noise occurs on the highway or at low speeds, may indicate serious underlying issues. These issues can concern your engine, torque converter, mufflers, and several other car parts. No matter the cause, detecting and resolving these problems quickly is the key to ensuring that your car remains functional and safe.
This guide is just a starting point that can lead you in the right direction in diagnosing your vehicle. In case you aren’t sure what’s wrong and how to fix it, it is always a good idea to ask a mechanic for help. That way, you will make sure your vehicle gets the care it needs.